The bridge that spread above Musi River is becomes the main characteristic of Palembang city. It was built on 1962 - 1965. Ampera Bridge has 78m high of tower. However, the special feature of this bridge that it can be opened and closed, the mechanism is no longer working, whereas is fact, it is the only bridge in Indonesia with the open-and-closed mechanism. Now it is only history. The bridge has to be lifted up of the middle shares each time there every king sized ship, with height above nine meters, will pass by quickly. Both for going to downstream and also which going to the upstream.
In initially, bridge as long as 1.177 meters widely this 22 meters, named 'Bung Karno's Bridge'. A historian of Djohan Hanafiah, the name mentioned as appreciation to The President of Republic Indonesia. Bung Karno had fight seriously for desire of Palembang citizen, to have a bridge above Musi River. 1965 is an opening usage of bridge ceremony, at the same time, Bung Karno name as a name of the bridge. However, after turbulence of politics happened in 1966, when there was a movement of anti-Soekarno very strong, name of that bridge even also turned into Ampera Bridge. At this time, the name of Ampera Bridge had not changed yet. There are some citizens in Palembang wish its name return to Bung Karno's Bridge. According to Djohan, the commutation request of name of Ampera Bridge become Bung Karno as a streamlining effort of middle story.
The parts of Ampera Bridge, when it has been woke up, as long as 71,90 meters, widely 22 meters. Part of bridge heavy entirety 944 that ton can be lifted with speed about 10 meters per minute. Two jacking tower of the bridge upstanding as high as 63 meters. Apart between these two tower is 75 meters. This two Tower provided with two pendulum of about 500-ton weight. Then the bridge lifted up, wide ship of the size 60 meters and highly maximum 44,50 meters, can pass to ford of Musi River. And when middle shares of this bridge did not lifted, maximum high of ships, which can pass under the bridge only 9 meters of water level of river.
Since 1970, the bridge shall no longer fluctuate again. Time used to lift this bridge that is about 30 minute, assumed to bother traffic current between defecting Ulu and Ilir, two Town of Palembang area dissociated by Musi River. The river is only connecting by Ampera Bridge. But Arsyad anticipate, the reason of Ampera Bridge do not fluctuate again because of there is no big ship which can sail in Musi River. The river become worse superficiality that cannot navigate by king sized ship.